Getting Reelected
Week 2
- Makeup (task)
- Vendy ask for help with makeup, discusses Kates plans for the elections (random)
- Vendy reveal she is running against Kate (random)
- Kate discuss what being re-elected means to her with Juraj (girlfriend) or Matej (friend) (elective)
- Tom when asked says he would prefer Vendy over Kate (random)
Week 3
- Juraj (hate) decides to help Vendy (random)
- Zdeno is open that he is going to vote against Kate just for lulz (random)
Week 4
- Eva decides to run too (random)
- asking for Juraj's or Matej's help (if discussed election with them before) (elective)
- asking for Zdeno's help (slave or domina route) (elective)
- Tom offers Kate help with gaining votes in exchange for date or bj or sex (based on sluttiness) (random)
- Vojta wants bj too (if promised bj or sex to Tom) (random)
- sucking dicks for votes (if gave bj to Vojta) (random)
Week 5
- meeting with Vendy being bitch (random)
- elections (following Vendy being bitch)
Being Allowed to Run
Do not be Late for Classes
(0 is best)
- short skirt violation (always) - do not break rules
- buttplug (wavering at bathrooms) - do not masturbate/remove buttplug and leave
- chairman blowjobs (cleaning top) - rush back to class asap
- mandatory masturbation random follow-up - focus on masturbating, not texting
- TODO - add more
Have Good Grades
(0 is best), see Grades
- solve hacking minigame on first try
- Vibrating Panties molestation - threaten Mr Molnár (better) or do sexual stuff with him (worse) (task)
- Flash Breasts history test - answer everything correctly (task)
- study biology and answer correctly during the examination (optional & random)
- study chemistry (Juraj's girlfriend) and have all answers correct (elective)
Keep Mrs Majerová Happy
(0 or negative is best)
- Blame not delivering papers on Eva
Keep Other Teachers Happy
Having Enought Votes
- get Juraj's or Matej's help (if discussed election with them before) (elective)
- get Zdeno's help (slave or domina route) (elective)
- get Tom's help (random)
- Juraj will help Vendy if he hates you - date him (random)
- suck dicks for votes when you have opportinuty (getting Tom's help and offering him bj or more) (random)